What can I do?

The research presents us with both a challenge and an opportunity: how can we talk Jesus?

There’s no set formula or method for how we talk about Jesus with those around us. The Talking Jesus team are on hand to help you think about how to apply the research to your own contexts. If you would like a member of the team to come and share the findings with your church or organisation, fill out our speaker enquiry form.

To get you started, here are a few ways in which this research could inspire you to be talking about Jesus…

1. Some people to pray for

1 in 3 people, after having a conversation with a practising Christian they know, say they would like to find out more or experience Jesus for themselves. What an opportunity! Why not pray for 3 people you know to come to faith in Jesus, and look for opportunities to talk about Jesus with them? Also pray for yourself, for opportunities and boldness to talk about Jesus.

You can also find prayer ideas and resources on the Thy Kingdom Come website.

2. Something to say

How might our friends and family describe the conversations we’ve had with them about Jesus? If we’re honest, maybe we haven’t taken the chance to speak to them about Jesus yet. Let’s look out for opportunities to share our personal story of the difference Jesus makes in our everyday life. While some may reject our message, let’s keep the conversations going, knowing that 1 in 3 people who hear us are open to encountering Jesus. And let’s follow up on the conversations we have, praying for the people we meet.

If you need ideas on how to do this,
visit: greatcommission.co.uk or hopetogether.org.uk

3. Something to give

Many Christians say that reading the Bible was a key influence in them coming to faith in Jesus. Do you have something to give to people you speak with, or who ask to find out more? Why not carry something with you, so you’re always prepared?

4. An invitation to offer

By sharing with others how Jesus has impacted our lives, we can offer people the greatest invitation – the opportunity to encounter Jesus for themselves. Attending a church service was also a key factor in many people’s journey to faith. Are you on the lookout for opportunities to invite people to an event where they can hear more about Jesus, and have the chance to respond? How can you make the most of opportunities throughout the year to invite people to events, such as guest services at Christmas and Easter?

5. Someone new to get to know

With 46% of people in England saying they don’t know, or aren’t sure whether they know, a practising Christian, who could you spend time and energy getting to know? Could you commit to making one new friend from outside your normal friendship group?

What can my church do?

Churches come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, and so will the way we reach out to our communities with the message of Jesus. Here are a few ways this research could inspire your church to be talking about Jesus…

1. Pray

  • Prayer is essential alongside any action we take. As a church, be encouraged to pray regularly for your members, that they would boldly take opportunities to talk about Jesus with those around them.
  • How can you encourage people to be praying for one another in their witness – for increasing confidence and an openness in the people they meet?

For prayer ideas and resources, visit thykingdomcome.global/prayerresources

2. Release

  • It’s clear that conversations about Jesus are a key influence in people coming to faith. Are people in your church encouraged to spend time investing in their relationships with non-Christian friends and family, and to talk with them about Jesus?
  • How can you encourage and release Christians in your church to build friendships with new people – reaching the 46% of  people who don’t yet know a practising Christian?

3. Inspire

  • How would your congregation feel if they realised that…?
    • Non-Christians describe the Christians they know in very positive terms.
    • After hearing about Jesus, one in three people are open to an encounter with Him or finding out more.
    • Attending a normal church service and having conversations with people about Jesus are some of the top influences in people coming to faith.
  • How could you share these encouraging findings to inspire them to talk about Jesus?
  • And how about regularly sharing stories in your gatherings to encourage Christians to share their faith – inspiring them with what could happen if they step out and talk about Jesus with others?

4. Equip

  • The local church has a vital role in equipping people to share their faith. This is particularly important given that many Christians still feel afraid of causing offence, or just don’t know how to go about sharing their faith.
  • What practical steps could your church take to equip Christians to share Jesus with people on their frontlines – in their workplaces, friendship groups or neighbourhoods?
  • How can your church equip Christians to feel confident in having something to say, something to give, an invitation to offer and people to pray for?

If you need ideas on how to do this, visit: greatcomission.co.uk or hopetogether.org.uk

5. Support

  • Ask your congregation how you could support them in talking about Jesus with those around them.
  • Do people in your church feel comfortable inviting their non-Christian friends along to church services? If you’re not sure, why not ask some of them – you can also use our Evangelism Health Check tool to quickly gauge how your church feels about sharing the gospel. Be open to consider how you can make your services more ‘friend-proof’ – ensuring that everyone who comes along feels welcomed and has the opportunity to hear the good news of Jesus in a way they can understand.
  • With many Christians listing church services as a key influence in them coming to faith, are you making the most of this weekly opportunity to introduce new people to Jesus?